Thursday, March 10, 2022

EPM Cloud Data management / FDMEE / Troubleshooting steps


Required Roles for Loading Data

If you have an issue with loading data to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud using Data Integration, Data Management, EPM Automate or REST APIs, make sure that the user loading the data has one of the following roles:

  • Service Administrator predefined role
  • Power User predefined role and Run Integration application role

How to trace issues  using ERROR log

  • The process details log in data management is the key log to trace any issues
  • Ensure the Log level is set to 5 under System Settings tab > select Profile type to ALL
  • Open the process details log in Notepad / Notepad++
  • Find (Ctrl+F) for the key word "error"

How to determine the load status from DATA LOAD  WORKBENCH

In the Workflow tab > Data load workbench > there are four icons (fish icon) > Import , Validate , Export , Check

If the Import fish is grey, then the import step is failed the source system level 

  • Ensure the source system connection is setup correctly 
  • Ensure the file name is defined correctly in the data load rule 
  • Ensure the data is available in the source combination in which it is extracting 
  • Ensure the source filters are defined properly 

If the Import fish is Orange and Validate fish is Grey

  • Go the Data load workbench > click on Validation errors 
  • You will find the details of the missing mapping members 
  • Ensure the mappings are defined correctly for those members and re-run the validate step

If the Import fish is Green, Validate fish is Green but the Export fish is Grey

  • Ensure the connection is available and the properties of the target system is defined properly for the target system
  • In the error log you will find an error code "Error: 3303", "Error: 3335" - it describes that the member is not available in the target 
  • In those scenarios we need to manually create the members in the target system if it valid

Known error codes and solution

3303 Member not found in database.

3304 Insufficient access to store data.

3333 Bad data value supplied.

3335 Record rejected because of duplicate member names.

3336 Member/Data unknown.

3337 Record rejected because of dimension conflicts with Header Name

How to Verify that Microsoft Active Directory Federation Service is Working


1.  Access the Microsoft Active Directory Federation Service Sign In page: (replace with your Microsoft Active Directory Federation Service hostname)

2.  If required, select Sign in to this site and click Sign In.

3.  Enter the Microsoft Active Directory credentials for a user that exists on both Microsoft Active Directory Federation Service and Oracle Identity Cloud Service (in this example, and click Sign In.

  1. Confirm that the message You are signed in is displayed.

EPM SSO Configuration - IDP metadata File and Setting Attributes


EPM Cloud supports only Service Provider (SP) initiated SSO; it does not support Identity Provider (IdP) initiated SSO.

Reference :


  1. SSO PROTOCOL : Available are HTTP POST, HTTP Artifact - ___________________
  2. User Identifier : Available are User ID, User Email Address - _____________________
  3. Contained in : _________ (If the User Identifier value is the user ID, then the contained in field must be the SAML attribute and you must specify the name of the SAML attribute for the contained in field such as SamAccountName in the case of Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services. If it is selected as Email Address then the contained in will be Name ID by default)
  4. Provider Metadata : Users can export the provider metadata file by default will be sha2.0 we can leverage to get sha256 methodology as well from oracle support, Partner Active Directory admin team has to import that file into MSAD and provide us back the “Federation.xml” file.
  5. This Federation file will be imported in oracle my services for further setup and configuration.

Configuring SSO (Single Sign On) : From Cloud ADFS server to Oracle EPM applications (Old generation)


Login to my services console and click on Navigate icon>Users

Click on SSO configuration
Under - Configure your Identity Provider Information - click on EXPORT METADATA

Create an SR with oracle if you require sha256 metadata file
If you require sha2.0 file you can download directly using the download option
Provide the exported metadata file to Oracle 
Get the modified "sha256 methodology" file from Oracle (Get the requirement from MSAD / AD team)
Submit the file to MSAD team
And get the modified Federation file from MSAD team

Then import the file to my-services in Configure SSO tab
Click on EDIT
And upload the file provided by MSAD team

Click on TEST SSO
In the next screen click on START SSO
It will redirect to a page to confirm the connection to MSAD is successful
Click on ENABLE SSO 

The SSO will be configured 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

How to bring specific URL`s as Shared connection in Excel smartview


There are two URL`s which needs to be used and connected  as shared connection in excel smartview.

Users don`t have to enter the URL manually when they want to connect to that environment.

Rather they want an option where if they click on Shared connection and click on the drop down it should list those two required URL`s

Create a XML file in the below format, Save and name that file as "SharedConnection"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Product id="HP" name="name" displayVersion="version">

<Server name="ENVIRONMENT 1" context="https://<URL>/SmartView"></Server>


<Product id="HP1" name="name" displayVersion="version">

<Server name="ENVIRONMENT 2" context="https://<URL>/SmartView"></Server>



Save the file to the location where smartview is installed "C:\Oracle"

Then Close Excel and reopen - You will find those two URL as shown below 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Configuring SSO : Other sources with Oracle (Oracle Fusion General Ledger)

 Quick links

OPC IDP File Gneration  -  

https://<POD NAME>.login.<DC>

Eg :

OCI SP File Generation  -  

https://login-<POD Name>

Eg  :

OCI IDP File Generation  -  

https://login-<POD Name>

Eg  :

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